
Vein Therapy

OC Vein Center is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art therapy to help treat varicose veins and other vein complications. Dr. Parsa is our board-certified physician who customizes specific treatment plans to help your veins look their very best! He is passionate about vein health and has years of experience performing endovenous laser ablation and sclerotherapy procedures!  
Send us an email at occosmeticandvein@gmail.com or call our friendly staff at 714-572-0040 if you have any questions.

Vein Therapy FAQs

Varicose (pronounced VAR-i-kos) veins result from an enlarged vein that can appear blue, red, or flesh-colored. They often look like ropes and seem twisted with bulging parts. Varicose veins commonly develop in areas such as the thighs, backs of calves, or inside your leg, but they can also form around your genital area and backside during pregnancy.

Spider Veins – As opposed to varicose veins, spider veins are much smaller. They also sit closer to the surface of your skin than their more prominent counterparts and often appear red or blue – looking a little bit like tree branches or spider webs with their shorter jagged lines. You can find them on your legs and face, either covering just one small area (or potentially very large).

Having varicose veins is a fairly common health issue that affects many people in their 50s and beyond. For half of all Americans, varicose veins can cause pain, discomfort, heaviness, or tiredness to your legs, as well as embarrassment about how they look.

Varicose and spider veins are found most often in the legs. The reason is because of gravity, the force from walking, carrying blood to your heart.

The most challenging job for any vein is taking all that pressure back up to your heart!

Healthy eating will not only improve your veins, but it can also have other benefits like weight loss and increased energy. Although no foods directly cause varicose veins, some food choices such as dairy products or red meat may worsen the condition in people who already suffer from them due to the constipation they induce.

To better maintain our health, we must eat for both taste and nourishment. In contrast, eating fruits and vegetables is essential because of their high fiber content. You should avoid salty foods at all costs since too much salt causes us to retain water, putting more significant pressure on our vulnerable blood vessels, including those around the legs.

The veins in your legs, vital to the function of blood circulation, can become varicose and cause pain. Pregnant women are more likely to suffer from these painful conditions than men or older individuals with venous insufficiency (42% chance). Varicose vein cases that develop due to family history have an increased likelihood of occurring as well.

Compression stockings are highly effective in treating varicose veins or other chronic venous disorders. By applying direct pressure to the affected veins, these garments stimulate blood flow, reduce inflammation, and prevent the accumulation of congested blood so you can have healthy leg circulation! You should check with one of our vein specialists at OC Cosmetic and Vein Center which type of compression stockings are right for you, though – they come in different styles depending on what condition you’re experiencing.

The chances of a varicose vein recurrence vary depending on the type of treatment you’re receiving. Vein stripping, for example, is less successful than newer techniques like ablation and sclerotherapy; many patients will experience pain or inflammation again within several months following such an invasive procedure. To avoid this altogether – while also getting rid of your veins in the process – it’s essential to find out which form(s) work best with your body as well as what side effects they may have before choosing one that suits you most accurately!

Diagnosing vein disease is possible through a physical exam and an ultrasound test. The tests will determine whether clots are present in the deep, superficial, and perforator veins. The examination then determines how well blood flows within the vein and its direction of flow to pinpoint where it’s refluxing from- whether up or down into other vessels like your lungs!

A weak valve in the veins can lead to varicose veins. Your heart’s blood carries oxygen and nutrients throughout your body through arteries. Veins then carry that same blood back up from your lower body against gravity. This process results from venous insufficiency when a valve becomes weak or damaged and allows for leakage of the backward flow into those vessels, which leads to a buildup of fluids known as varicose veins on our legs!

Blood backup is the cause of spider veins. The backup of blood occurs when your body doesn’t distribute it properly. It can also happen if there’s a problem with one of the valves in your leg that lets fluid flow past them. Unfortunately, this can happen for many reasons, including hormone changes, exposure to sunlight, and injuries.

Several factors can cause varicose or spider veins. These include:

History of health. You are at greater risk if your vein valves are weak. You cal also be at higher risk if you have family members with vein problems. Most people who have varicose veins have a close family member who also has them.

The aging process. Vein valves may weaken and no longer function properly as you age.

Changes in hormones. Menopause, puberty, and pregnancy are all times when these occur. Oral contraceptives and other medicines that contain estrogen and progesterone may also produce varicose veins.

During Pregnancy. It is common for the body’s blood volume to increase when pregnant, which can cause veins to enlarge. In addition, a growing uterus presses on veins. It usually takes three months for varicose veins to disappear after delivery. With each pregnancy, varicose veins and spider veins become more prominent.

Obesity. Varicose veins can develop due to being overweight or obese.

The lack of movement. Sitting or standing for a long time may cause your veins to have a more challenging time delivering blood to your heart. Sitting with your legs crossed or bent may make this problem worse.

Exposure to the sun. People with fair skin can develop spider veins on their cheeks or nose due to this condition.

Varicose veins are often visible on the skin. Varicose veins in the legs can also cause the following symptoms:

  • A throbbing, cramping pain that worsens after standing or sitting for extended periods
  • Cramping or Throbbing
  • Feeling heaviness
  • Swelling of the limbs
  • Itchy or irritated rash
  • Discoloration of the skin (in some situations)
  • Restless legs

Clotting can block or slow blood flow through the vein, raising your blood pressure and possibly causing more damage. Varicose veins develop from a buildup of venous reflux in the deep or superficial veins. The swelling in the deep or superficial veins is called phlebitis.

Developing varicose veins can be confusing with spider veins, but the two conditions are generally unrelated. Spider veins may manifest by much milder swelling; However, they may appear darker or more visible than normal blood vessels. They rarely protrude as significantly as varicose veins and are usually less painful.

Weight gain can increase the strain on veins, but not all forms of exercise are beneficial to vein health. Walking or swimming are best for you because they place the least amount of pressure on them. Running and heavy lifting may overstress your blood vessels, so make sure to wear comfortable shoes while exercising if these activities are part of your routine!

Varicose veins are as unpleasant as they sound. If left untreated, these pesky suckers can result in sores and skin ulcers, among other costs to your body like blood clots or DVT, the last of which is potentially life-threatening. The sooner you treat them, though, the better! Contact one of our qualified specialists at OC Cosmetic and Vein Center today if you have any questions about varicose vein treatment options. There’s no time for procrastinating when it comes to this issue that affects millions worldwide every year!

Vein Ablation Treatment Costs and Insurance Coverage

Venous insufficiency is commonly treated with vein ablation, which can cause several serious health problems. As a result, your insurance may cover the costs for vein ablation, so you don’t have any out-of-pocket expenses and only need to worry about your deductible or copayment, depending on what type of policy you have. For more information on your insurance policy, you should call your insurance provider directly for more details.

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